Some of the university students noticed something. A few of the more adventurous ones pointed out the higher degree of uniformed police officers that had began to fill the main mezzanine of the campus. Some had seen this before. With recent school shootings, students had become targets. Especially during the beginning of the school year. Each student was ensured that this was all to help with safety, and make certain no one was going to get hurt. But several other students noticed something besides the police officers. In particular when a pair of winged figures were sighted. A small gathering of students just stood and stared as soon as Naiomi lighted on the edge of a building. And it wasn't long before Maxwell was sighted across the mezzanine.
Naomi studied the area, taking note of the reactions of the students. She tapped the comm casually, testing it for a moment. "Sector fifteen is clear so far. Anyway sign of Gerald?"
"None yet," one of the officers replied in her comm.
Her eyes narrowed as she watched the area like a hawk. Students mingled together in different groups. Some could be close friends, some could be meeting together for the first time, others could be comparing class listings. "Captain Schwartz, I'm going down for a closer look. And question some of the students. Maybe some of them have seen Gerald."
"Be careful, Lieutenant," the captain cautioned. Naomi gave her affirmation and swooped down to ground level. Many of the students stopped to watch in amazement. Several laughed and clapped, thinking the display was more for show than anything else. Naomi let the wings fan out, helping to slow her decent. A few of the students, obviously engineering students, appeared to be taking notes as she landed. Cameras flashed. Students began to form a circle around her. "Ask a few of the students if they know or have seen Cleaves," Schwartz suggested. He knew the tactic Naomi was working. People are hesitant when a police officer is involved. Sad, but true. Naomi, on the other hand, had a slight advantage. While she held the air of authority, she did not have the outward appearance of an officer, police or military.
One of the students marveled at the rig Naomi wore, his eyes brightly shining as he took a closer look at Naomi's wings. He, along with a few of his friends, seemed to be taking mental notations of the harness. And a couple took photographs. "That is the most incredible thing I've seen. How does it work?" he asked, bold enough to approach Naomi.
She looked him over carefully for a moment, then took out a leather wallet and flashed her badge, clearly displaying the CSIS identification. "Name's Lieutenant Naomi Running Cloud. And I'll make you a deal, alright kid?" The student nodded quickly, waiting for Naomi's next words. "You see that guy," she said, pointing toward Maxwell, perched on the edge of a building. The engineering student nodded with enthusiasm. "He made a similar rig to mine. You answer some questions, any of you answer some questions," she said at first to the student then spoke to all those gathered. "Then I promise, I'll make sure he will give a proper demonstration."
"Wait, you mean that guy made that wing harness?" the student asked with some confusion, looking toward the figure perched on the building's edge.
"My questions first, kiddo," Naomi said with a smirk. "Then we'll deal with yours." The student returned his gaze to Naomi, his eyes still seemed glazed over by the rig she wore, but still excited that he was going to be given an opportunity to see how it worked. "First off, you know a student by the name of Gerald Cleaves?" The young man blinked a couple of times and shook his head slowly. Naomi furrowed her brow. They had to find this kid, and soon. So she posed the question to the rest of the students that stood around her. "Any of you know this kid?"
One girl slowly put up her hand, and Naomi focused her attention on the young woman. "I know him. He's dating my sister."
"Where is he?" Naomi asked, maybe a little too forceful. She had to compose her features in order to make her questions not sound so demanding. "It's okay, honey, he's not in trouble." Not yet, at least.
"Well, I got a phone call from my sister. She said Gerry was taking her to a quiet spot, just so, ya know, they could be alone."
Naomi huffed slightly. Great, this kid's hormones are gonna get him killed. "Thanks kids. I gotta go," she announced without stopping to answer more questions. She just lept into the air and allowed the wings to unfurl and carry her upward, a little trick that Maxwell had created in the rig. Small thrusters to allow the wearer flight from a standing position. Naiomi tapped her comm. "You guys hear that?"
"Got it, Lieutenant," Captain Schwartz stated on the comm. "That's not a lot of information, though."
"I know," Naomi replied as she lighted onto a rooftop. "But at least we know the kid is going to be in a secluded spot. All because of his hormones." There was a slight chuckle she heard on the other end as she began to scan the area. And something caught her eye. "Captain, did you send men into position near the arts building?"
"No. Why do you ask?" Schwartz was quick to ask, a touch of irritation in his voice.
"Heavily armed men are circling the area," Naomi replied quickly. "Four of them. They look decidedly out of place down there."
"I'm on it," Maxwell announced as he took flight from his perch. Naomi could see him moving quickly and gracefully through the air.
"Watch your six, Maxie," Naomi warned him.
"Always do," came the reply. Maxwell seemed to float on the air currents as he closed in on the position. But Naomi couldn't help but worry. He was her brother, and while he was more than capable in a fight, he still wasn't a trained police officer or military official. And these targets were highly trained. What they knew about them may have only been the tip of the iceberg. "Be careful, Maxie," she whispered onto the winds.
"We've got more movement," an officer announced suddenly over the comms. Naomi held her hand over her ear piece as she listened carefully to the report. "North building. Four targets. Let's see... four women. Repeat, heavily armed women, black clad, carrying .... what the hell? Are they carrying swords?" Naomi furrowed her brow. This wasn't good. If that report was correct, then that meant the Sisterhood had been brought into this. And people would die.
"I got this one, Captain," Naomi announced as she sprinted across the rooftop. "Keep your men safe. Continue looking for Cleaves." It may have sounded like an order, but even Schwartz could tell it was edged with heavy concern. After Naomi lost her husband early in the Afghan invasion, she had always been mindful of her fellow soldiers. Whether they were police officers or military. It was, in all truth, simple motherly instinct. She pushed herself into the air again as she reached the edge of the rooftop and began to soar. This was going to be a long day, Naomi mused to herself. And it wasn't going to be easy.

- Tim Holtorf
- Outlook, Saskatchewan, Canada
- Production manager of a weekly newspaper in Outlook, Saskatchewan. The blog url of has absolutely nothing to do with MidSask REDA, though, they do very good work throughout the Lake Diefenbaker Region.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Canyons of Steel - Our Solemn Hour Pt. 2
Indigo's fingers flew over the keyboard as she downloaded schematics, registrars, cell phone numbers and more. All of it to track on young man. Gerald Cleaves. According to orders, Cleaves was to be taken into "custody" and used as a leverage to force his father to vote in favour of a bill which would allow government agencies the legal right to wire tap, video tap and out right invade homes without any repercussions. No warrant would be needed. No ruling from a judge. The passing of such a bill would turn the United States into a police state, and Canada and Mexico would not be far behind. But it also meant that agencies that worked globally, such as the Illuminati, would have access to these records. If the bill were allowed to pass, then the days of public records, public freedoms, and human rights would be thrown out the window. This was something that Walker didn't want.
And he volunteered himself and his crew for this detail. Because he had plans of his own. The capture of Cleaves would give him the leverage needed to speak to the Senator, and clear his own name, while at the same time revealing a global conspiracy. After nearly ten years, he'd had enough of the Illuminati. Making lies seem like the truth. 9/11 was the last straw for him. But Dimitri threw a wrench into his plans. He could no longer move as freely as he would like to. Plans had to change and they had to change fast.
Indigo had her orders. Gather information, make it look good. All the while, searching for a signal that they might be able to reach Grey Kestrel. Warn her somehow. Already Monty was able to make an anonymous tip to the police, but that action was very, very risky. Walker stood close by, making sure no wandering eyes tried to pry on their business, especially Dimitri's. He'd already given Crimson the go ahead for a weapons check, which she did with a fine tooth comb, even going over the weapons of Dimitri's men, and ordering the Sister's to complete a weapons check with her. Walker smiled as he watch Crimson for a moment. The Nigerian was incredibly thorough, and she took her time. Enough to keep them off his plans.
Flanking him as he watched Indigo's actions on the keyboard were Omega Six and Grey 6-2-6. They never left his side, tilting their head from time to time to listen to a comment from Walker they knew was directed to them. "We need some equipment. Grey, Six. See what ya can do 'bout commandeerin' an ambulance. Some sorta emergency service vehicle. An' uniforms." Walker didn't have to look to make sure they acknowledged him. The pair had heard, and was mentally taking the tally as they watched Dimitri's agents carefully.
Once in a while, either Six or Grey would cough, giving a signal that the others attention was away from the terminal. Indigo would bring up the files again on Grey Kestrel and Hawk's Scream. These two were quite possibly their biggest allies in all of this. Even if they didn't realize it. Every so often, Six would clear his throat, a signal that one of the Sisters was getting too close to their activities. Indigo would go back to her previous research. It was all so smooth.
But even the smoothest of things sometimes had a bump every once in a while.
Indigo didn't even hear the woman as she approached. She was going through Grey Kestrel's military history at the time. And Sister White found it rather fascinating. Her movements hadn't even been detected, either visually, or audibly. She was that good. "I've heard about her," she said in a low voice as she looked at the view screen with Naomi Running Cloud's picture. Indigo stopped what she was doing very quickly. Like a deer caught in the headlights, her body froze, waiting for word from Walker.
"Ya got a problem, Ma'am?" Walker said nonchalantly as he took out a cigarette and lit it. He didn't even turn to look at Sister White. But his free hand moved to the Colt at his hip. One move from her, and he would fire. And he could easily pass it off that he had information of a planned betrayal to the Sisterhood.
Sister White turned to study the old gunslinger for a moment. His voice was gruff and determined, but filled with skepticism. He was too honourable of a man to have joined the military of the Illuminati. And that would get the stupid old fool killed. "No problem," she replied in a crisp British accent. Walker cringed slightly as he heard the woman's voice. It was like daggers in his neck. She sounded cold and cruel. He didn't look toward her as she left the terminal. He kept his eyes focused on the work Indigo was pulling down.
"She's not sayin' anythin' ta the others, mate," Omega Six whispered over his shoulder as he watched her. Grey nodded in agreement, but kept his eyes trained on the woman.
"Don't trust the bitch," Walker scowled as he urged Indigo to continue her research. "Only one woman in the Sisterhood worth her salt." The others didn't have to ask who. They already knew. Walker spoke of Sister Jade. The pair had met on a mission twelve years before. And as often times during a stressful situation, certain things can happen. Walker was still a member of the US Military at the time, and he had thought he had fallen in love. Jade was kind hearted, he found. And when he learned that she was a member of the Sisterhood years later, he couldn't understand why. They had been assigned to each other after Walker had joined the Illuminati, and it was after three years that he learned their previous encounters had produced a child.
Upon learning that, he began to make plans to get out of the Illuminati. Either escape, or get himself killed. After 9/11, he knew he had to get out. Get out, and possibly take his daughter with him. He pushed those thoughts aside as Indigo brought up the comm frequencies of the police department, somehow he knew that Kestrel and Hawk would be using those. Indigo would record them, and hopefully they could use them to contact the pair.
As Indigo continued her research, Sister White had moved back to her group, silently looking to her other comrades. She didn't even bother with a backward glance toward Walker. Sister Eventide, the commanding officer of the small group of Sisters, approached her, just as quietly, and spoke in a hushed tone. "What are they doing?"
Sister White looked back to the group, contemplating her answer. She knew what she saw, but something inside her had changed. In all truth, Sister White should have told the truth. There was absolutely nothing redeeming about Walker at all. The timber of his voice belayed a tyrant underneath. But she saw this also as an opportunity of her own. "They are going over schematics of the University," she stated as she looked to Eventide. "They are preparing. It would seem they are extremely thorough."
"And extremely paranoid," Eventide said as she looked to Six and Grey. Grey was looking directly at Eventide, his eyes seemed to bore into her, and she quickly looked away. It made her rather nervous, knowing that someone had that affect on her. But she did note that the pair had never left their positions, casually looking over each of the Sisters. "I doubt they even trust each other."
Sister White arched an eyebrow and turned to study Eventide directly. "They are soldiers in one of the most secret organizations on the planet. They would kill to continue to keep their secrets. Given what they do and who they are, can you blame them for being paranoid?"
Eventide didn't respond, she just looked to Sister White and clenched her jaw just a bit. But enough to show that White's words had sunk in. "We move quickly," she finally said, changing the subject quickly. "We'll find Cleaves first. He has a girlfriend here. And we can take them both. It will be all over in a matter of moments."
"And what are our orders?" Sister White inquired casually, but deep inside, she seemed to know exactly what the answer would be.
"We are the Sisterhood," Eventide responded with a proud smile. "We do what we are good at. The boy and the girl, will not live to see the dawn." Eventide casually glanced from soldier to soldier, studying those that were faithful to both Dimitri and Walker. "And we will have to deal with all of these. I don't trust any of them. I believe we will have to leave behind some bodies in order to ensure the deception is complete. Walker will be easy to kill. Dimitri more difficult. But we will have to kill them as well."
Sister White didn't bat an eye as she took in the information. Inside, she merely prayed that the information they had on Lieutenant Running Cloud would help them turn the tide. And perhaps Eventide would eat her own words.
And he volunteered himself and his crew for this detail. Because he had plans of his own. The capture of Cleaves would give him the leverage needed to speak to the Senator, and clear his own name, while at the same time revealing a global conspiracy. After nearly ten years, he'd had enough of the Illuminati. Making lies seem like the truth. 9/11 was the last straw for him. But Dimitri threw a wrench into his plans. He could no longer move as freely as he would like to. Plans had to change and they had to change fast.
Indigo had her orders. Gather information, make it look good. All the while, searching for a signal that they might be able to reach Grey Kestrel. Warn her somehow. Already Monty was able to make an anonymous tip to the police, but that action was very, very risky. Walker stood close by, making sure no wandering eyes tried to pry on their business, especially Dimitri's. He'd already given Crimson the go ahead for a weapons check, which she did with a fine tooth comb, even going over the weapons of Dimitri's men, and ordering the Sister's to complete a weapons check with her. Walker smiled as he watch Crimson for a moment. The Nigerian was incredibly thorough, and she took her time. Enough to keep them off his plans.
Flanking him as he watched Indigo's actions on the keyboard were Omega Six and Grey 6-2-6. They never left his side, tilting their head from time to time to listen to a comment from Walker they knew was directed to them. "We need some equipment. Grey, Six. See what ya can do 'bout commandeerin' an ambulance. Some sorta emergency service vehicle. An' uniforms." Walker didn't have to look to make sure they acknowledged him. The pair had heard, and was mentally taking the tally as they watched Dimitri's agents carefully.
Once in a while, either Six or Grey would cough, giving a signal that the others attention was away from the terminal. Indigo would bring up the files again on Grey Kestrel and Hawk's Scream. These two were quite possibly their biggest allies in all of this. Even if they didn't realize it. Every so often, Six would clear his throat, a signal that one of the Sisters was getting too close to their activities. Indigo would go back to her previous research. It was all so smooth.
But even the smoothest of things sometimes had a bump every once in a while.
Indigo didn't even hear the woman as she approached. She was going through Grey Kestrel's military history at the time. And Sister White found it rather fascinating. Her movements hadn't even been detected, either visually, or audibly. She was that good. "I've heard about her," she said in a low voice as she looked at the view screen with Naomi Running Cloud's picture. Indigo stopped what she was doing very quickly. Like a deer caught in the headlights, her body froze, waiting for word from Walker.
"Ya got a problem, Ma'am?" Walker said nonchalantly as he took out a cigarette and lit it. He didn't even turn to look at Sister White. But his free hand moved to the Colt at his hip. One move from her, and he would fire. And he could easily pass it off that he had information of a planned betrayal to the Sisterhood.
Sister White turned to study the old gunslinger for a moment. His voice was gruff and determined, but filled with skepticism. He was too honourable of a man to have joined the military of the Illuminati. And that would get the stupid old fool killed. "No problem," she replied in a crisp British accent. Walker cringed slightly as he heard the woman's voice. It was like daggers in his neck. She sounded cold and cruel. He didn't look toward her as she left the terminal. He kept his eyes focused on the work Indigo was pulling down.
"She's not sayin' anythin' ta the others, mate," Omega Six whispered over his shoulder as he watched her. Grey nodded in agreement, but kept his eyes trained on the woman.
"Don't trust the bitch," Walker scowled as he urged Indigo to continue her research. "Only one woman in the Sisterhood worth her salt." The others didn't have to ask who. They already knew. Walker spoke of Sister Jade. The pair had met on a mission twelve years before. And as often times during a stressful situation, certain things can happen. Walker was still a member of the US Military at the time, and he had thought he had fallen in love. Jade was kind hearted, he found. And when he learned that she was a member of the Sisterhood years later, he couldn't understand why. They had been assigned to each other after Walker had joined the Illuminati, and it was after three years that he learned their previous encounters had produced a child.
Upon learning that, he began to make plans to get out of the Illuminati. Either escape, or get himself killed. After 9/11, he knew he had to get out. Get out, and possibly take his daughter with him. He pushed those thoughts aside as Indigo brought up the comm frequencies of the police department, somehow he knew that Kestrel and Hawk would be using those. Indigo would record them, and hopefully they could use them to contact the pair.
As Indigo continued her research, Sister White had moved back to her group, silently looking to her other comrades. She didn't even bother with a backward glance toward Walker. Sister Eventide, the commanding officer of the small group of Sisters, approached her, just as quietly, and spoke in a hushed tone. "What are they doing?"
Sister White looked back to the group, contemplating her answer. She knew what she saw, but something inside her had changed. In all truth, Sister White should have told the truth. There was absolutely nothing redeeming about Walker at all. The timber of his voice belayed a tyrant underneath. But she saw this also as an opportunity of her own. "They are going over schematics of the University," she stated as she looked to Eventide. "They are preparing. It would seem they are extremely thorough."
"And extremely paranoid," Eventide said as she looked to Six and Grey. Grey was looking directly at Eventide, his eyes seemed to bore into her, and she quickly looked away. It made her rather nervous, knowing that someone had that affect on her. But she did note that the pair had never left their positions, casually looking over each of the Sisters. "I doubt they even trust each other."
Sister White arched an eyebrow and turned to study Eventide directly. "They are soldiers in one of the most secret organizations on the planet. They would kill to continue to keep their secrets. Given what they do and who they are, can you blame them for being paranoid?"
Eventide didn't respond, she just looked to Sister White and clenched her jaw just a bit. But enough to show that White's words had sunk in. "We move quickly," she finally said, changing the subject quickly. "We'll find Cleaves first. He has a girlfriend here. And we can take them both. It will be all over in a matter of moments."
"And what are our orders?" Sister White inquired casually, but deep inside, she seemed to know exactly what the answer would be.
"We are the Sisterhood," Eventide responded with a proud smile. "We do what we are good at. The boy and the girl, will not live to see the dawn." Eventide casually glanced from soldier to soldier, studying those that were faithful to both Dimitri and Walker. "And we will have to deal with all of these. I don't trust any of them. I believe we will have to leave behind some bodies in order to ensure the deception is complete. Walker will be easy to kill. Dimitri more difficult. But we will have to kill them as well."
Sister White didn't bat an eye as she took in the information. Inside, she merely prayed that the information they had on Lieutenant Running Cloud would help them turn the tide. And perhaps Eventide would eat her own words.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Canyons of Steel - Our Solemn Hour Pt. 1
Columbus, Ohio - 9:45 a.m. - August 23rd, 2002
The early morning hours were often busy. People traveling to meetings, to work, shopping, and some joining others for an early coffee. Just another usual day in the city. For Billy Helm, it was a day away from school. He had a dental appointment at 10:45 that morning. The world was still reeling from the effects of an act of terrorism less than a year before, but slowly America continued her routine. For Billy, this didn't mean much. He was too young to truly understand. He just knew that something catastrophic had happened. All he really understood was that he had a dental appointment.
The sky was clear, the wind was calm. Billy's mother went about her business as she always would on an outing. Having her son in tow wasn't a bother, Billy was a good boy, and always kept close to her, even if his eyes did often wander in amazement. And this day was not unlike any other for him to look at everything around him. Cars, trucks, taxis, police cruisers, shoppers and shop keepers. It was always the same. But each day filled with new hope that something would change.
"Mama!" he cried in amazement as he tried to get his mother's attention, tugging on her arm.
"Billy please," she huffed slightly, annoyed but also partially amused. "Mrs. Garrison and I are talking. Why all the excitement?"
"Look!" he said as he pointed skyward. For a fleeting moment, his mother thought the worst. The questions raced through her head as her head seemed to turn as though stuck in molasses. Why would anyone strike Columbus? But that question was soon dropped when she saw what her son was pointing at.
They tilted and reeled like real birds. But they looked human. Their speed was amazing. And they swooped down so close, she could almost reach out and touch them. A man and a woman, dressed in tight fighting uniforms, and wearing wings. And they were flying. She could only stare in awe. And then a new question came to mind. I wonder if my therapist is available this afternoon.
Hawk's Scream and the Grey Kestrel flew through the streets with speed and grace of their namesakes. The great birds of prey that could fly with amazing speed as they hunted down prey, or migrated easily from region to region. But these two had a higher purpose than simple hunting or gathering as the buteo's they emulated. They had their target in sight. The steps of the Columbus City Police Department. There, Maxwell could see the figures of Inspector Cortez and three uniformed officers. And as they drew closer, one of the officers pointed skyward.
It was always a thrill to see the look on someone's face as they would fly in, and land with ease, as though the wings had always been a part of them. One of the officers tilted his hat up and simply let out a low whistle in amazement. Citizens of Saskatoon and Ottawa had grown used to Hawk's Scream and Grey Kestrel. But for Columbus, this was something completely different. Inspector Cortez huffed slightly, impressed but not showing it. He didn't want to see the likes of these to become replacements for him. "I take it that you are Lieutenant Running Cloud," he called out toward Niaomi as she began her descent.
"That's right, Inspector," she called back, moving herself to land correctly, using the wings like a chute to slow her descent and allow her feet to touch the ground softly. "Code named Grey Kestrel. Pleased to meet you, Inspector," she said as she walked up to Cortez with an outstretched hand. Cortez quickly shook it and watched as Hawk's Scream landed next to his sister. He was tall and well muscled. Not someone you really wanted to mess with.
"I take it you are Professor Running Cloud?"
"That's right, Inspector," Maxwell replied with a nod, his voice sounding tinny through the speakers of the ventilator mask. "Max is just fine, however. I know I don't have military or police credentials..."
"That's fine," Cortez quickly interrupted Maxwell with a wave of his hand. "The more assistance the better." He motioned for the pair to follow as the uniformed officers took up flanking positions. Cortez explained the situation as they walked. "The FBI called after I gave you the okay, Lieutenant. They gave us more information. Seems a flight came in last night with a suspicious name that was flagged. A Russian by the name of Kovolenko. FBI has had a warrant out for him for years. Highly dangerous. So I'm glad of any help we can get." As they walked, Niaomi caught sight of the stairs and overheard quiet whispers from several of the other police officers. She suspected this wasn't exactly an everyday occurance.
Cortez opened a set of double doors and directed they to enter. Police officers from all departments were sitting down. A morning roll call, one that Niaomi had been involved with during a man hunt in Kamloops. Again, the stares came. It didn't bother her. She suspected a pair of First Nations wearing close to traditional dress and wings wasn't exactly a usual sight for the officers. Granted, Maxwell's uniform carried more of the traditional concepts in their culture than her own. She wore a very simple headband with a pair of eagle feathers tucked tightly inside. But aside from her exterior look, she was all business. And in this room, her military rituals began to come forward.
A grey haired, but well muscled plain clothes officer stepped forward. Right away, Niaomi could sense the air of authority that surrounded him. This must be Captain Schwartz. She gave him a salute as he came closer. He smiled and waved a dismissive hand. "No need for the formalities, Lieutenant. I appreciate the respect, but we've got a bigger problem on our hands." He turned back to the front of the room and tacked seven pictures up onto a metal white board. "Ladies an' gentlemen, these are the suspects that we are going after. We don't know why they are here, but both the FBI and CSIS have confirmed they are to be considered dangerous." He pointed to a surveillance photo of Dimitri Kovolenko. "This one in particular. According to the FBI, he has quite the wrap sheet. Lieutenant Running Cloud has more information as well on the other suspects." He motioned toward Niaomi who walked to the front of the room. Her wings seemed to tuck in close to her as she walked.
"According to the profile that RCMP Lieutenant Christa Rayne put together on Operative Violet Rose," Niaomi said as she pointed to an enhanced photo of the grizzled gunslinger. "He is former U.S. Military. Given a dishonourable discharge in 1993 after events in Somalia, he fled the States, never to be seen again. Rayne believes he can be talked to, due to the fact that her own investigations proved that his discharge was political. Rose was used as a scapegoat. But there is no solid proof either way." She pointed to the next photo, this one of Monty. "Malcom Montgomery Watt. Australian, served with Emergency Services and applied for the Sydney Police force. Then his history falls off the face of the Earth. Until Rayne began investigating Rose. Watt is the second in command of this small unit. And extremely loyal to Rose. Rayne believed that Rose hand picked his soldiers, for loyalty first. However, it is unknown what this organization's recruiting process is like. CSIS and the RCMP have very little outside of those two."
Cortez stepped forward and pointed to the picture of Kovolenko. "Be careful with this one. He's former KGB, and Moscow police. According to the Kremlin's records, Kovolenko was considered a radical. A true believer in the communist doctrine. No clue what he's doing in this so called Illuminati." Cortez sighed as he stuck his hands in his pockets. "But that still leaves us with one small detail..."
Maxwell slowly put up his hand and coughed. The sound came out rather metallic. All eyes turned to him. Cortez looked to Schwartz for a moment. The police captain motioned to Running Cloud. And Niaomi smiled as her brother stepped forward. The large Dakota man unstrapped the ventilator mask from his face so his words could be heard more clearly. "I managed to make my own investigations, but this around the university itself. Earlier, both Niaomi... rather, the Lieutenant," he smirked as he looked to his sister. "At least maybe I should call you that in this room, huh Sis?" The other officers laughed as Maxwell made his comment. Niaomi just rolled her eyes. Maxwell still had his gift for easing tensions in a room. "Anyway, a few of the professors remember a luncheon several months ago. A very influential Senator had made a rather large donation to a section of the University. But a few of them have heard rumours that he is being leaned on to push through legislation that may be very unpopular. Legislation that he has adamantly been opposed to in the past." Maxwell let this information sink in for a moment, several of the officers looking toward him quite thoughtfully. "The Senator's son has recently enrolled in classes at the University. It's my belief that these men may be after him. His name is Gerald Cleeves. Currently, he's taking classes in law and economics. The boy himself isn't a threat, but still he could be used as leverage against the Senator." Maxwell looked to his sister as he completed his own descriptions. She gave him a thumbs up and smiled. Shoulda joined the military or police force yourself, Maxie, she thought to herself.
"Okay," Schwartz announced with a clap of his hands. "First detail, check where this kid is. We tail him like glue. I want uniformed officers in plain sight and snipers in position. Plains clothes will be monitoring things as well." He turned to Maxwell and Niaomi and seemed to smile slightly. "Eyes in the sky?" he asked.
"Already on it, Captain," Niaomi said with a grin. "We'll have our comms set to your frequency and keep in touch."
"Alright people," Schwartz barked. "Let's go!"
The early morning hours were often busy. People traveling to meetings, to work, shopping, and some joining others for an early coffee. Just another usual day in the city. For Billy Helm, it was a day away from school. He had a dental appointment at 10:45 that morning. The world was still reeling from the effects of an act of terrorism less than a year before, but slowly America continued her routine. For Billy, this didn't mean much. He was too young to truly understand. He just knew that something catastrophic had happened. All he really understood was that he had a dental appointment.
The sky was clear, the wind was calm. Billy's mother went about her business as she always would on an outing. Having her son in tow wasn't a bother, Billy was a good boy, and always kept close to her, even if his eyes did often wander in amazement. And this day was not unlike any other for him to look at everything around him. Cars, trucks, taxis, police cruisers, shoppers and shop keepers. It was always the same. But each day filled with new hope that something would change.
"Mama!" he cried in amazement as he tried to get his mother's attention, tugging on her arm.
"Billy please," she huffed slightly, annoyed but also partially amused. "Mrs. Garrison and I are talking. Why all the excitement?"
"Look!" he said as he pointed skyward. For a fleeting moment, his mother thought the worst. The questions raced through her head as her head seemed to turn as though stuck in molasses. Why would anyone strike Columbus? But that question was soon dropped when she saw what her son was pointing at.
They tilted and reeled like real birds. But they looked human. Their speed was amazing. And they swooped down so close, she could almost reach out and touch them. A man and a woman, dressed in tight fighting uniforms, and wearing wings. And they were flying. She could only stare in awe. And then a new question came to mind. I wonder if my therapist is available this afternoon.
Hawk's Scream and the Grey Kestrel flew through the streets with speed and grace of their namesakes. The great birds of prey that could fly with amazing speed as they hunted down prey, or migrated easily from region to region. But these two had a higher purpose than simple hunting or gathering as the buteo's they emulated. They had their target in sight. The steps of the Columbus City Police Department. There, Maxwell could see the figures of Inspector Cortez and three uniformed officers. And as they drew closer, one of the officers pointed skyward.
It was always a thrill to see the look on someone's face as they would fly in, and land with ease, as though the wings had always been a part of them. One of the officers tilted his hat up and simply let out a low whistle in amazement. Citizens of Saskatoon and Ottawa had grown used to Hawk's Scream and Grey Kestrel. But for Columbus, this was something completely different. Inspector Cortez huffed slightly, impressed but not showing it. He didn't want to see the likes of these to become replacements for him. "I take it that you are Lieutenant Running Cloud," he called out toward Niaomi as she began her descent.
"That's right, Inspector," she called back, moving herself to land correctly, using the wings like a chute to slow her descent and allow her feet to touch the ground softly. "Code named Grey Kestrel. Pleased to meet you, Inspector," she said as she walked up to Cortez with an outstretched hand. Cortez quickly shook it and watched as Hawk's Scream landed next to his sister. He was tall and well muscled. Not someone you really wanted to mess with.
"I take it you are Professor Running Cloud?"
"That's right, Inspector," Maxwell replied with a nod, his voice sounding tinny through the speakers of the ventilator mask. "Max is just fine, however. I know I don't have military or police credentials..."
"That's fine," Cortez quickly interrupted Maxwell with a wave of his hand. "The more assistance the better." He motioned for the pair to follow as the uniformed officers took up flanking positions. Cortez explained the situation as they walked. "The FBI called after I gave you the okay, Lieutenant. They gave us more information. Seems a flight came in last night with a suspicious name that was flagged. A Russian by the name of Kovolenko. FBI has had a warrant out for him for years. Highly dangerous. So I'm glad of any help we can get." As they walked, Niaomi caught sight of the stairs and overheard quiet whispers from several of the other police officers. She suspected this wasn't exactly an everyday occurance.
Cortez opened a set of double doors and directed they to enter. Police officers from all departments were sitting down. A morning roll call, one that Niaomi had been involved with during a man hunt in Kamloops. Again, the stares came. It didn't bother her. She suspected a pair of First Nations wearing close to traditional dress and wings wasn't exactly a usual sight for the officers. Granted, Maxwell's uniform carried more of the traditional concepts in their culture than her own. She wore a very simple headband with a pair of eagle feathers tucked tightly inside. But aside from her exterior look, she was all business. And in this room, her military rituals began to come forward.
A grey haired, but well muscled plain clothes officer stepped forward. Right away, Niaomi could sense the air of authority that surrounded him. This must be Captain Schwartz. She gave him a salute as he came closer. He smiled and waved a dismissive hand. "No need for the formalities, Lieutenant. I appreciate the respect, but we've got a bigger problem on our hands." He turned back to the front of the room and tacked seven pictures up onto a metal white board. "Ladies an' gentlemen, these are the suspects that we are going after. We don't know why they are here, but both the FBI and CSIS have confirmed they are to be considered dangerous." He pointed to a surveillance photo of Dimitri Kovolenko. "This one in particular. According to the FBI, he has quite the wrap sheet. Lieutenant Running Cloud has more information as well on the other suspects." He motioned toward Niaomi who walked to the front of the room. Her wings seemed to tuck in close to her as she walked.
"According to the profile that RCMP Lieutenant Christa Rayne put together on Operative Violet Rose," Niaomi said as she pointed to an enhanced photo of the grizzled gunslinger. "He is former U.S. Military. Given a dishonourable discharge in 1993 after events in Somalia, he fled the States, never to be seen again. Rayne believes he can be talked to, due to the fact that her own investigations proved that his discharge was political. Rose was used as a scapegoat. But there is no solid proof either way." She pointed to the next photo, this one of Monty. "Malcom Montgomery Watt. Australian, served with Emergency Services and applied for the Sydney Police force. Then his history falls off the face of the Earth. Until Rayne began investigating Rose. Watt is the second in command of this small unit. And extremely loyal to Rose. Rayne believed that Rose hand picked his soldiers, for loyalty first. However, it is unknown what this organization's recruiting process is like. CSIS and the RCMP have very little outside of those two."
Cortez stepped forward and pointed to the picture of Kovolenko. "Be careful with this one. He's former KGB, and Moscow police. According to the Kremlin's records, Kovolenko was considered a radical. A true believer in the communist doctrine. No clue what he's doing in this so called Illuminati." Cortez sighed as he stuck his hands in his pockets. "But that still leaves us with one small detail..."
Maxwell slowly put up his hand and coughed. The sound came out rather metallic. All eyes turned to him. Cortez looked to Schwartz for a moment. The police captain motioned to Running Cloud. And Niaomi smiled as her brother stepped forward. The large Dakota man unstrapped the ventilator mask from his face so his words could be heard more clearly. "I managed to make my own investigations, but this around the university itself. Earlier, both Niaomi... rather, the Lieutenant," he smirked as he looked to his sister. "At least maybe I should call you that in this room, huh Sis?" The other officers laughed as Maxwell made his comment. Niaomi just rolled her eyes. Maxwell still had his gift for easing tensions in a room. "Anyway, a few of the professors remember a luncheon several months ago. A very influential Senator had made a rather large donation to a section of the University. But a few of them have heard rumours that he is being leaned on to push through legislation that may be very unpopular. Legislation that he has adamantly been opposed to in the past." Maxwell let this information sink in for a moment, several of the officers looking toward him quite thoughtfully. "The Senator's son has recently enrolled in classes at the University. It's my belief that these men may be after him. His name is Gerald Cleeves. Currently, he's taking classes in law and economics. The boy himself isn't a threat, but still he could be used as leverage against the Senator." Maxwell looked to his sister as he completed his own descriptions. She gave him a thumbs up and smiled. Shoulda joined the military or police force yourself, Maxie, she thought to herself.
"Okay," Schwartz announced with a clap of his hands. "First detail, check where this kid is. We tail him like glue. I want uniformed officers in plain sight and snipers in position. Plains clothes will be monitoring things as well." He turned to Maxwell and Niaomi and seemed to smile slightly. "Eyes in the sky?" he asked.
"Already on it, Captain," Niaomi said with a grin. "We'll have our comms set to your frequency and keep in touch."
"Alright people," Schwartz barked. "Let's go!"
Canyons of Steel - Still Just a Rat in a Cage Pt. 9
They dropped the duffel bags on the tar covered rooftop of the hotel. Military credentials can give you amazing things. A hotel security officer stood with them, just watching in wonderment. He had been asked to follow them, and collect their things after they had taken flight. That was the hard part to explain. Niaomi simply said, just follow us and you'll see. The syblings slipped into their uniforms, Maxwell's much more traditional looking as it carried the beadwork of his heritage, though still remained functional. Niaomi's was much more sleek, as her's was crafted by the military agency she belonged to.
The security officer blinked a couple of times. Both of them unwrapped a wing harness. Maxwell's was much more natural looking, as it retained it's feathered look. He carefully strapped the leather bindings around his chest as he tested the weight of the harness, nodding as he felt the wings were secure on his back. The only really visible piece of technology that he wore was a ventilator mask. A project Maxwell had succeeded in, the mask had a modified mp3 player, USB connectors, and small speakers. Complete with an adjusted volume, this rig was used to echo the cries that hawks, falcons and eagles would make. Only amplified at several decibels.
Niaomi strapped her metallic wings to her back and tested them. The security guard marvelled how they seemed to become a part of her as she stretched out her wings. Much more sleek than Maxwell's, her rig was built for speed over power. Not that she didn't have the latter. A pair of gauntlets held small shurikens that she could release with maddening speed. The fingers could unleash claws, similar in style to a Kestrel's.
Niaomi looked to her brother as she snapped the last of the straps in place. He gave her the thumbs up and they both walked to the edge of the building. Twenty stories up. A cake walk. "Don't forget our stuff," Niaomi called back to the security officer. The officer nodded rather dumbly, with a look on his face that read, Are you really gonna jump? Niaomi turned to her brother again. "Clear?"
"Clear," he confirmed. And with that word, they both lept off the roof, their speed increasing as they hurtled toward the ground. The security officer could only look fearfully on. His eyes widened as the pair fell faster earthward. And just when he expected the worst, the pair opened their wings and began to fly. Just as their namesakes, the pair actually could not fly, but used the wing harnesses and the updrafts to glide, just as a hawk would glide. A small thruster built into the rig would force the wings to flap when they needed to ascend, just as a bird of prey would. And so, it gave the illusion of flight.
And it became the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. And he finally let go of the breath he'd been holding.
The security officer blinked a couple of times. Both of them unwrapped a wing harness. Maxwell's was much more natural looking, as it retained it's feathered look. He carefully strapped the leather bindings around his chest as he tested the weight of the harness, nodding as he felt the wings were secure on his back. The only really visible piece of technology that he wore was a ventilator mask. A project Maxwell had succeeded in, the mask had a modified mp3 player, USB connectors, and small speakers. Complete with an adjusted volume, this rig was used to echo the cries that hawks, falcons and eagles would make. Only amplified at several decibels.
Niaomi strapped her metallic wings to her back and tested them. The security guard marvelled how they seemed to become a part of her as she stretched out her wings. Much more sleek than Maxwell's, her rig was built for speed over power. Not that she didn't have the latter. A pair of gauntlets held small shurikens that she could release with maddening speed. The fingers could unleash claws, similar in style to a Kestrel's.
Niaomi looked to her brother as she snapped the last of the straps in place. He gave her the thumbs up and they both walked to the edge of the building. Twenty stories up. A cake walk. "Don't forget our stuff," Niaomi called back to the security officer. The officer nodded rather dumbly, with a look on his face that read, Are you really gonna jump? Niaomi turned to her brother again. "Clear?"
"Clear," he confirmed. And with that word, they both lept off the roof, their speed increasing as they hurtled toward the ground. The security officer could only look fearfully on. His eyes widened as the pair fell faster earthward. And just when he expected the worst, the pair opened their wings and began to fly. Just as their namesakes, the pair actually could not fly, but used the wing harnesses and the updrafts to glide, just as a hawk would glide. A small thruster built into the rig would force the wings to flap when they needed to ascend, just as a bird of prey would. And so, it gave the illusion of flight.
And it became the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. And he finally let go of the breath he'd been holding.
To be continued in Our Solemn Hour
Canyons of Steel - Still Just a Rat in a Cage Pt. 8
Walker checked his weapons one last time. He hoped he wouldn't have to use them this time around. The other agents were gearing up in their usual manner, as only Grey 6-2-6 was not present. Always a shadow, Grey was Walker's eyes and ears when he needed them, and something told the old gun hand now was the time to let one of his foxes patrol. There was a nagging feeling he had that something wasn't right. And he wouldn't be disappointed. Grey's voice told him so over the comm.
"Sir," the Chinese agent said in his usual quiet tone. "We have incoming."
"How many?" Walker said in a low tone, his voice not hiding the fact he was expecting this news.
"Four, Sir. And I believe we are familiar with one of them." Grey's voice held just a hint of disdain. To anyone not familiar with the man, it wouldn't even register. But Walker had grown to know each habit, nervous twitch and unspoken word that each of his agents had. It took time, but he learned, and it was that reason alone that made his unit so tight. "Искатель правды," he quickly added, speaking the words that made up the name of the familiar Russian agent. Loosely translated, it meant truth seeker. Walker always found the irony of the man's code name, as he was known as the one who enforced the keeping of secrets.
"What 'xactly is he doin' here?" Walker mused as he inspected his long barrel Colt. He only sighed and looked to the other agents. They knew by the tone of his voice and the movements he made that the visitors were not welcomed. "Get back ta base, Grey. Let's say hello ta the Russian." He wouldn't let the Russian get the drop on him, but then, Dimitri Kovolenko never was very stealthy. As well as keeping secrets a secret, Kovolenko also used fear as a motivator. The Russian's imposing size and well mannered attitude was unnerving. Especially when the veil of disception was covering that eerie smile of his.
"Operative Violet Rose," the expected booming voice of the Russian called out as he and his men entered the room. "Has been a very long time, comrade. You nyet call as much as you used to."
"Last I checked, Dimitri, I never called you," Walker shot back in his slow drawl, but even the unobservant could detect his words were dipped in acid. "What're you doin' here, Kovolenko?"
"Ah, I see we are on last name basis, Comrade Walker," the Russian said with a boisterous laugh. "Is good dat our relationship has advanced to such a level."
"We ain't got a relationship," the gunslinger said as he stepped closer to the Russian. Dimitri was a good foot and a half taller than Walker, and by looks alone, could probably take Walker out easily. But that was something about Walker. He was wiley, like a coyote. Coupled with Walker's cool exterior, his brash confidence was something that put the fear of God into most of the other commanders in the Illuminati. "Now answer my question. What're ya doin' here?"
Dimitri chuckled at first, then his voice boomed into a loud laugh. "Comrade, you are straightforward, da? I was hoping we could partake in a glass of vodka before going over orders from Central Command."
"I drink whiskey," Walker retorted. "Get ta the point."
The Russian nodded, but the smile never left his face, hidden as it was behind the grey flecked beard and mustache. "Is disappointing you nyet wish for drink to celebrate occasion. After all, with this act, we will secure a great deal. I am merely here to ensure dat you are unhindered in your situation. To make certain, dat dis operation is completed in most discreet manner, da?"
"Discreet?" Monty repeated with a scoff. "Tell me 'ow blowin' the shit outta somethin' is discreet."
The Russian looked to Monty and grimaced before returning his gaze to Walker and speaking in a low growl. "Tell your rabid dogs to keep their mouths shut, Comrade Walker."
"My dogs," Walker replied in a very cool, very even tone. "Will do as they please. Last I checked, I'm in charge o' this operation. An' as doctrine states, any agent who comes inta an operation will abide by the orders of the commandin' officer."
"Da, I am familiar with dis, Walker," Dimitri said as he snapped his fingers. "But I am merely bringing insurance dat all will be completed as planned." As the Russian's final words faded, the the electronic sounds could be heard as the cloaking devices were powered down. Walker narrowed his eyes as the four assassins came into view. Sisterhood. Soldiers for hire, but allied to the Illuminati. And very, very deadly. "Operative Violet Rose, I would like very much for you to be meeting four top agents of the Sisterhood." His arm swept wide in a fashion that could almost be called bravado, as though the Russian were gloating over his allies. "Sister White, Sister Eventide, Sister Tascalusa and Sister Valhalla."
Walker took out a cigar and lit it as he looked over the four women. Trained assassins. This isn't what he wanted. He looked toward Dimitri for a moment. "Ya do understand the word Overkill, right Dimitri?"
The Russian merely laughed aloud, his booming voice sounding like a thunderclap. "Come now, Walker. We are all friends here. We need to complete dis mission. With no mistakes. Sisters are merely here to make certain there are no loose ends, da?" He chuckled lightly as he stepped toward Walker. The gunslinger seemed to sneer as the Russian slapped him on the back, but kept his focus on his men. "Now, he have some time to ... how you say ... kill," he said with a chuckle. "Please if you would allow. I would be interested in a glass of your American whiskey."
"Sir," the Chinese agent said in his usual quiet tone. "We have incoming."
"How many?" Walker said in a low tone, his voice not hiding the fact he was expecting this news.
"Four, Sir. And I believe we are familiar with one of them." Grey's voice held just a hint of disdain. To anyone not familiar with the man, it wouldn't even register. But Walker had grown to know each habit, nervous twitch and unspoken word that each of his agents had. It took time, but he learned, and it was that reason alone that made his unit so tight. "Искатель правды," he quickly added, speaking the words that made up the name of the familiar Russian agent. Loosely translated, it meant truth seeker. Walker always found the irony of the man's code name, as he was known as the one who enforced the keeping of secrets.
"What 'xactly is he doin' here?" Walker mused as he inspected his long barrel Colt. He only sighed and looked to the other agents. They knew by the tone of his voice and the movements he made that the visitors were not welcomed. "Get back ta base, Grey. Let's say hello ta the Russian." He wouldn't let the Russian get the drop on him, but then, Dimitri Kovolenko never was very stealthy. As well as keeping secrets a secret, Kovolenko also used fear as a motivator. The Russian's imposing size and well mannered attitude was unnerving. Especially when the veil of disception was covering that eerie smile of his.
"Operative Violet Rose," the expected booming voice of the Russian called out as he and his men entered the room. "Has been a very long time, comrade. You nyet call as much as you used to."
"Last I checked, Dimitri, I never called you," Walker shot back in his slow drawl, but even the unobservant could detect his words were dipped in acid. "What're you doin' here, Kovolenko?"
"Ah, I see we are on last name basis, Comrade Walker," the Russian said with a boisterous laugh. "Is good dat our relationship has advanced to such a level."
"We ain't got a relationship," the gunslinger said as he stepped closer to the Russian. Dimitri was a good foot and a half taller than Walker, and by looks alone, could probably take Walker out easily. But that was something about Walker. He was wiley, like a coyote. Coupled with Walker's cool exterior, his brash confidence was something that put the fear of God into most of the other commanders in the Illuminati. "Now answer my question. What're ya doin' here?"
Dimitri chuckled at first, then his voice boomed into a loud laugh. "Comrade, you are straightforward, da? I was hoping we could partake in a glass of vodka before going over orders from Central Command."
"I drink whiskey," Walker retorted. "Get ta the point."
The Russian nodded, but the smile never left his face, hidden as it was behind the grey flecked beard and mustache. "Is disappointing you nyet wish for drink to celebrate occasion. After all, with this act, we will secure a great deal. I am merely here to ensure dat you are unhindered in your situation. To make certain, dat dis operation is completed in most discreet manner, da?"
"Discreet?" Monty repeated with a scoff. "Tell me 'ow blowin' the shit outta somethin' is discreet."
The Russian looked to Monty and grimaced before returning his gaze to Walker and speaking in a low growl. "Tell your rabid dogs to keep their mouths shut, Comrade Walker."
"My dogs," Walker replied in a very cool, very even tone. "Will do as they please. Last I checked, I'm in charge o' this operation. An' as doctrine states, any agent who comes inta an operation will abide by the orders of the commandin' officer."
"Da, I am familiar with dis, Walker," Dimitri said as he snapped his fingers. "But I am merely bringing insurance dat all will be completed as planned." As the Russian's final words faded, the the electronic sounds could be heard as the cloaking devices were powered down. Walker narrowed his eyes as the four assassins came into view. Sisterhood. Soldiers for hire, but allied to the Illuminati. And very, very deadly. "Operative Violet Rose, I would like very much for you to be meeting four top agents of the Sisterhood." His arm swept wide in a fashion that could almost be called bravado, as though the Russian were gloating over his allies. "Sister White, Sister Eventide, Sister Tascalusa and Sister Valhalla."
Walker took out a cigar and lit it as he looked over the four women. Trained assassins. This isn't what he wanted. He looked toward Dimitri for a moment. "Ya do understand the word Overkill, right Dimitri?"
The Russian merely laughed aloud, his booming voice sounding like a thunderclap. "Come now, Walker. We are all friends here. We need to complete dis mission. With no mistakes. Sisters are merely here to make certain there are no loose ends, da?" He chuckled lightly as he stepped toward Walker. The gunslinger seemed to sneer as the Russian slapped him on the back, but kept his focus on his men. "Now, he have some time to ... how you say ... kill," he said with a chuckle. "Please if you would allow. I would be interested in a glass of your American whiskey."
Monday, April 21, 2008
Canyons of Steel - Still Just a Rat in a Cage Pt. 7
Petey Running Cloud grinned with wide eyed abandon as he entered the large doors to the aviary. The university had one of the largest protection reserves for birds of prey in the area. And the first thing he saw was the huge, majestic bald eagle that seemed to survey it's surroundings with an appraising eye. Some might have screamed in excitement, but not Petey. While his eyes flashed with excitement, he remained calm around the giant bird. As he watched the giant bird, the bird itself seemed to turn to study him.
Niaomi watched her son as Professor Seymore Phips went through a short educational lecture with the boy. She smiled as she saw the light in his eyes as he watched the majestic bird, and looked over to her brother. "Thanks for arranging this," she whispered to him.
"Hey, anything I could do," he replied quietly. "You said Petey hasn't been very outgoing lately, so I thought this trip might just help with that."
Niaomi smiled with a nod, then furrowed her brow as her cell phone rang. Excusing herself, she walked back into the hallway to speak as Petey continued his educational field trip. "Hello," she said in a quiet tone, and looked back to Maxwell as he gave her a sideways glance.
"Agent Running Cloud," the voice on the other end stated. "This is Inspector Phil Cortez, Columbus Police Department. We received a package from your office early this morning with instructions. We've been tipped about a possible terrorist threat at the convention. We'd like to work with you on this, as it seems you've done a good deal of leg work already."
"Yes, Inspector," she replied with a small smile. Amanda had done her work well, pushed the proper paperwork through in record time. "I had noticed something odd at the convention dinner and contacted my people. I had hoped that we would be able to work together on this one."
"We would be more than happy to have both of you on this, Agent," Cortez announced. Niaomi smiled and turned to look at Maxwell. Her brother furrowed his brow for a moment as he tried to determine what it was she might be plotting.
"I'll tell my brother right away," she said into the receiver. "When shall we meet you."
"In three hours," Cortez replied without hesitation. "Main station house. Captain Schwatz will be handling the details."
"Good to hear Inspector. We'll see you in three then." She quickly rang off and looked again to her brother as she pocketed her cell phone. "Remember the information we dug up last night?"
"Yes," Maxwell said with a smile as the pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place. "So we're being asked to assist, I assume."
"We've got three hours to prepare before meeting the Captain."
Maxwell nodded as he crossed his arms. "Well, only one thing left to do." He looked toward Petey as the boy was listening intently to Professor Phips' improve lecture. Maxwell didn't have to say anything. Niaomi knew that her brother's look would lead to a question about a baby sitter.
"Professor Phips," Niaomi called out. The older gentleman looked to the pair with a smile. Petey followed suit. "Really hate to interupt you, but I have to ask you a very big favour..."
Niaomi watched her son as Professor Seymore Phips went through a short educational lecture with the boy. She smiled as she saw the light in his eyes as he watched the majestic bird, and looked over to her brother. "Thanks for arranging this," she whispered to him.
"Hey, anything I could do," he replied quietly. "You said Petey hasn't been very outgoing lately, so I thought this trip might just help with that."
Niaomi smiled with a nod, then furrowed her brow as her cell phone rang. Excusing herself, she walked back into the hallway to speak as Petey continued his educational field trip. "Hello," she said in a quiet tone, and looked back to Maxwell as he gave her a sideways glance.
"Agent Running Cloud," the voice on the other end stated. "This is Inspector Phil Cortez, Columbus Police Department. We received a package from your office early this morning with instructions. We've been tipped about a possible terrorist threat at the convention. We'd like to work with you on this, as it seems you've done a good deal of leg work already."
"Yes, Inspector," she replied with a small smile. Amanda had done her work well, pushed the proper paperwork through in record time. "I had noticed something odd at the convention dinner and contacted my people. I had hoped that we would be able to work together on this one."
"We would be more than happy to have both of you on this, Agent," Cortez announced. Niaomi smiled and turned to look at Maxwell. Her brother furrowed his brow for a moment as he tried to determine what it was she might be plotting.
"I'll tell my brother right away," she said into the receiver. "When shall we meet you."
"In three hours," Cortez replied without hesitation. "Main station house. Captain Schwatz will be handling the details."
"Good to hear Inspector. We'll see you in three then." She quickly rang off and looked again to her brother as she pocketed her cell phone. "Remember the information we dug up last night?"
"Yes," Maxwell said with a smile as the pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place. "So we're being asked to assist, I assume."
"We've got three hours to prepare before meeting the Captain."
Maxwell nodded as he crossed his arms. "Well, only one thing left to do." He looked toward Petey as the boy was listening intently to Professor Phips' improve lecture. Maxwell didn't have to say anything. Niaomi knew that her brother's look would lead to a question about a baby sitter.
"Professor Phips," Niaomi called out. The older gentleman looked to the pair with a smile. Petey followed suit. "Really hate to interupt you, but I have to ask you a very big favour..."
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