Walker checked his weapons one last time. He hoped he wouldn't have to use them this time around. The other agents were gearing up in their usual manner, as only Grey 6-2-6 was not present. Always a shadow, Grey was Walker's eyes and ears when he needed them, and something told the old gun hand now was the time to let one of his foxes patrol. There was a nagging feeling he had that something wasn't right. And he wouldn't be disappointed. Grey's voice told him so over the comm.
"Sir," the Chinese agent said in his usual quiet tone. "We have incoming."
"How many?" Walker said in a low tone, his voice not hiding the fact he was expecting this news.
"Four, Sir. And I believe we are familiar with one of them." Grey's voice held just a hint of disdain. To anyone not familiar with the man, it wouldn't even register. But Walker had grown to know each habit, nervous twitch and unspoken word that each of his agents had. It took time, but he learned, and it was that reason alone that made his unit so tight. "Искатель правды," he quickly added, speaking the words that made up the name of the familiar Russian agent. Loosely translated, it meant truth seeker. Walker always found the irony of the man's code name, as he was known as the one who enforced the keeping of secrets.
"What 'xactly is he doin' here?" Walker mused as he inspected his long barrel Colt. He only sighed and looked to the other agents. They knew by the tone of his voice and the movements he made that the visitors were not welcomed. "Get back ta base, Grey. Let's say hello ta the Russian." He wouldn't let the Russian get the drop on him, but then, Dimitri Kovolenko never was very stealthy. As well as keeping secrets a secret, Kovolenko also used fear as a motivator. The Russian's imposing size and well mannered attitude was unnerving. Especially when the veil of disception was covering that eerie smile of his.
"Operative Violet Rose," the expected booming voice of the Russian called out as he and his men entered the room. "Has been a very long time, comrade. You nyet call as much as you used to."
"Last I checked, Dimitri, I never called you," Walker shot back in his slow drawl, but even the unobservant could detect his words were dipped in acid. "What're you doin' here, Kovolenko?"
"Ah, I see we are on last name basis, Comrade Walker," the Russian said with a boisterous laugh. "Is good dat our relationship has advanced to such a level."
"We ain't got a relationship," the gunslinger said as he stepped closer to the Russian. Dimitri was a good foot and a half taller than Walker, and by looks alone, could probably take Walker out easily. But that was something about Walker. He was wiley, like a coyote. Coupled with Walker's cool exterior, his brash confidence was something that put the fear of God into most of the other commanders in the Illuminati. "Now answer my question. What're ya doin' here?"
Dimitri chuckled at first, then his voice boomed into a loud laugh. "Comrade, you are straightforward, da? I was hoping we could partake in a glass of vodka before going over orders from Central Command."
"I drink whiskey," Walker retorted. "Get ta the point."
The Russian nodded, but the smile never left his face, hidden as it was behind the grey flecked beard and mustache. "Is disappointing you nyet wish for drink to celebrate occasion. After all, with this act, we will secure a great deal. I am merely here to ensure dat you are unhindered in your situation. To make certain, dat dis operation is completed in most discreet manner, da?"
"Discreet?" Monty repeated with a scoff. "Tell me 'ow blowin' the shit outta somethin' is discreet."
The Russian looked to Monty and grimaced before returning his gaze to Walker and speaking in a low growl. "Tell your rabid dogs to keep their mouths shut, Comrade Walker."
"My dogs," Walker replied in a very cool, very even tone. "Will do as they please. Last I checked, I'm in charge o' this operation. An' as doctrine states, any agent who comes inta an operation will abide by the orders of the commandin' officer."
"Da, I am familiar with dis, Walker," Dimitri said as he snapped his fingers. "But I am merely bringing insurance dat all will be completed as planned." As the Russian's final words faded, the the electronic sounds could be heard as the cloaking devices were powered down. Walker narrowed his eyes as the four assassins came into view. Sisterhood. Soldiers for hire, but allied to the Illuminati. And very, very deadly. "Operative Violet Rose, I would like very much for you to be meeting four top agents of the Sisterhood." His arm swept wide in a fashion that could almost be called bravado, as though the Russian were gloating over his allies. "Sister White, Sister Eventide, Sister Tascalusa and Sister Valhalla."
Walker took out a cigar and lit it as he looked over the four women. Trained assassins. This isn't what he wanted. He looked toward Dimitri for a moment. "Ya do understand the word Overkill, right Dimitri?"
The Russian merely laughed aloud, his booming voice sounding like a thunderclap. "Come now, Walker. We are all friends here. We need to complete dis mission. With no mistakes. Sisters are merely here to make certain there are no loose ends, da?" He chuckled lightly as he stepped toward Walker. The gunslinger seemed to sneer as the Russian slapped him on the back, but kept his focus on his men. "Now, he have some time to ... how you say ... kill," he said with a chuckle. "Please if you would allow. I would be interested in a glass of your American whiskey."

- Tim Holtorf
- Outlook, Saskatchewan, Canada
- Production manager of a weekly newspaper in Outlook, Saskatchewan. The blog url of midsask.blogspot.com has absolutely nothing to do with MidSask REDA, though, they do very good work throughout the Lake Diefenbaker Region.
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