Cat In The Apartment
He paid attention to the one spot on the back of his paw, as though he'd found the most incredible feeling in the world. But that was secondary to the spot on the floor where the sun shone. Zachary purred lightly, his eyes closed as he enjoyed himself. It was the normal morning routine in the apartment. And his human was preparing for work.
Zachary had felt it best to stay at the apartment, after all, there would be no visits to the aviary today. A visit to the aviary always meant an opportunity to show those large birds who was superior. After all, Zachary's mere presence was enough to convince the raptors of this. He heard a thunk on the floor and turned his head to see what it was that made the sudden sound. Ah yes, water. Excellent, my human.
The human walked about the house gathering what he needed before leaving for work. And, as always, he would make platitudes to Zachary, to which the nimble feline would purr and meow his approval. As the human left, the apartment settled back in to what would be a calm day. Zachary would rise and patrol his realm, ensuring that everything was in it's proper place. And once that was complete, he would sit on the window sill and survey his kingdom.
The subjects were of little interest to him. The ones that busied themselves with the hustle and bustle on the ground, and the brightly coloured ones that rushed past. Zachary couldn't believe that there was anything in the world that would make people rush about so madly. The thoughts were pushed back as a slight rush of wind and a flapping of wings could be heard.
Zachary looked to the direction of the sound and seemed to smile, calling out with a meow as the falcon landed on the ledge outside the window.
Good morning, Zachary.
Good morning, Tamara.
You look as though you've had a productive morning.
It has been a good hunt this morning. I found a group of mice near the shore.
Ah, excellent. If only I could have joined you.
Yes, unfortunate. How is your human doing?
Quite well, really. He has to attend to his charges in the large building near the mountain.
More of that education, if I am correct. He seems to treat you with respect and dignity. I understand that he is caring for my mate. Tragic, I thought he was lost when his wing was broken. Imagine my surprise when I discovered he was being tended to.
That would be the hallmark of my human. Tamara, I must admit something to you.
Yes, Zachary.
I find that I am most fond of you. Had things been different, I believe that we could be much closer.
You flatter me, Zachary. And yet, while I await for my mate's release with great anticipation, I too find a fondness for you. You have been a dear friend, Zachary.
I am glad you feel that way, Tamara.
I am afraid I must depart, Zachary. My hatchlings will have need of me. But I shall return. Do take care.
Be well, Tamara. And give my best to your kittens.
The bird of prey took to the air quickly and Zachary resumed surveying his realm. Left to himself again, he lounged in a new sun spot. Perhaps tomorrow his human would take him to the buildings by the mountain. He'd enjoy that. After all, the giant birds needed to be reminded of his regal presence. And then again, he might be able to tell Tamara's mate that she still thinks of him.