One of the joys of gaming happens to be the building that comes along with it. In many games, you can create your own content, and add a bit of your own flavour to the world you play a game in. One such game is Neverwinter Nights from
Bioware. Based on the pen and paper game, Dungeons and Dragons, Neverwinter Nights is set in a fantasy world. There is a single player campaign, plus you can go online to find what are called persistent worlds. These are servers that are constantly up, and constantly maintained. I currently play on one called
Legacy of the North. It's a nice server with a decent population of players.
And I am on the building team.
I take a bit of pride in the things I build. Each thing that is added to the server is seen by

the players, and I can sit back and say "hey, I made that, and people really like it." So it is true with the current area I finished. I like making social areas where players can gather to just talk. And I've currently finished a halfling village. Think of the Shire from Lord of the Rings. Filled with little people, it's a fun little place to go and have fun.
For me, building happens to be a relaxing past time, and an enjoyable hobby. It's a digital way of making model railroads and villages.
Until I find the one ring...
...keep 'em flyin'.