Some of the university students noticed something. A few of the more adventurous ones pointed out the higher degree of uniformed police officers that had began to fill the main mezzanine of the campus. Some had seen this before. With recent school shootings, students had become targets. Especially during the beginning of the school year. Each student was ensured that this was all to help with safety, and make certain no one was going to get hurt. But several other students noticed something besides the police officers. In particular when a pair of winged figures were sighted. A small gathering of students just stood and stared as soon as Naiomi lighted on the edge of a building. And it wasn't long before Maxwell was sighted across the mezzanine.
Naomi studied the area, taking note of the reactions of the students. She tapped the comm casually, testing it for a moment. "Sector fifteen is clear so far. Anyway sign of Gerald?"
"None yet," one of the officers replied in her comm.
Her eyes narrowed as she watched the area like a hawk. Students mingled together in different groups. Some could be close friends, some could be meeting together for the first time, others could be comparing class listings. "Captain Schwartz, I'm going down for a closer look. And question some of the students. Maybe some of them have seen Gerald."
"Be careful, Lieutenant," the captain cautioned. Naomi gave her affirmation and swooped down to ground level. Many of the students stopped to watch in amazement. Several laughed and clapped, thinking the display was more for show than anything else. Naomi let the wings fan out, helping to slow her decent. A few of the students, obviously engineering students, appeared to be taking notes as she landed. Cameras flashed. Students began to form a circle around her. "Ask a few of the students if they know or have seen Cleaves," Schwartz suggested. He knew the tactic Naomi was working. People are hesitant when a police officer is involved. Sad, but true. Naomi, on the other hand, had a slight advantage. While she held the air of authority, she did not have the outward appearance of an officer, police or military.
One of the students marveled at the rig Naomi wore, his eyes brightly shining as he took a closer look at Naomi's wings. He, along with a few of his friends, seemed to be taking mental notations of the harness. And a couple took photographs. "That is the most incredible thing I've seen. How does it work?" he asked, bold enough to approach Naomi.
She looked him over carefully for a moment, then took out a leather wallet and flashed her badge, clearly displaying the CSIS identification. "Name's Lieutenant Naomi Running Cloud. And I'll make you a deal, alright kid?" The student nodded quickly, waiting for Naomi's next words. "You see that guy," she said, pointing toward Maxwell, perched on the edge of a building. The engineering student nodded with enthusiasm. "He made a similar rig to mine. You answer some questions, any of you answer some questions," she said at first to the student then spoke to all those gathered. "Then I promise, I'll make sure he will give a proper demonstration."
"Wait, you mean that guy made that wing harness?" the student asked with some confusion, looking toward the figure perched on the building's edge.
"My questions first, kiddo," Naomi said with a smirk. "Then we'll deal with yours." The student returned his gaze to Naomi, his eyes still seemed glazed over by the rig she wore, but still excited that he was going to be given an opportunity to see how it worked. "First off, you know a student by the name of Gerald Cleaves?" The young man blinked a couple of times and shook his head slowly. Naomi furrowed her brow. They had to find this kid, and soon. So she posed the question to the rest of the students that stood around her. "Any of you know this kid?"
One girl slowly put up her hand, and Naomi focused her attention on the young woman. "I know him. He's dating my sister."
"Where is he?" Naomi asked, maybe a little too forceful. She had to compose her features in order to make her questions not sound so demanding. "It's okay, honey, he's not in trouble." Not yet, at least.
"Well, I got a phone call from my sister. She said Gerry was taking her to a quiet spot, just so, ya know, they could be alone."
Naomi huffed slightly. Great, this kid's hormones are gonna get him killed. "Thanks kids. I gotta go," she announced without stopping to answer more questions. She just lept into the air and allowed the wings to unfurl and carry her upward, a little trick that Maxwell had created in the rig. Small thrusters to allow the wearer flight from a standing position. Naiomi tapped her comm. "You guys hear that?"
"Got it, Lieutenant," Captain Schwartz stated on the comm. "That's not a lot of information, though."
"I know," Naomi replied as she lighted onto a rooftop. "But at least we know the kid is going to be in a secluded spot. All because of his hormones." There was a slight chuckle she heard on the other end as she began to scan the area. And something caught her eye. "Captain, did you send men into position near the arts building?"
"No. Why do you ask?" Schwartz was quick to ask, a touch of irritation in his voice.
"Heavily armed men are circling the area," Naomi replied quickly. "Four of them. They look decidedly out of place down there."
"I'm on it," Maxwell announced as he took flight from his perch. Naomi could see him moving quickly and gracefully through the air.
"Watch your six, Maxie," Naomi warned him.
"Always do," came the reply. Maxwell seemed to float on the air currents as he closed in on the position. But Naomi couldn't help but worry. He was her brother, and while he was more than capable in a fight, he still wasn't a trained police officer or military official. And these targets were highly trained. What they knew about them may have only been the tip of the iceberg. "Be careful, Maxie," she whispered onto the winds.
"We've got more movement," an officer announced suddenly over the comms. Naomi held her hand over her ear piece as she listened carefully to the report. "North building. Four targets. Let's see... four women. Repeat, heavily armed women, black clad, carrying .... what the hell? Are they carrying swords?" Naomi furrowed her brow. This wasn't good. If that report was correct, then that meant the Sisterhood had been brought into this. And people would die.
"I got this one, Captain," Naomi announced as she sprinted across the rooftop. "Keep your men safe. Continue looking for Cleaves." It may have sounded like an order, but even Schwartz could tell it was edged with heavy concern. After Naomi lost her husband early in the Afghan invasion, she had always been mindful of her fellow soldiers. Whether they were police officers or military. It was, in all truth, simple motherly instinct. She pushed herself into the air again as she reached the edge of the rooftop and began to soar. This was going to be a long day, Naomi mused to herself. And it wasn't going to be easy.

- Tim Holtorf
- Outlook, Saskatchewan, Canada
- Production manager of a weekly newspaper in Outlook, Saskatchewan. The blog url of has absolutely nothing to do with MidSask REDA, though, they do very good work throughout the Lake Diefenbaker Region.
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