Johnathon Tiberius Walker tapped the keys lightly. It was over, but he had two things to do first. A call to an old “friend”, and then to see his daughter. It was time to make a better life for himself and his little girl. Even if it meant only for a little while. She deserved to have some sort of a normal life. Away from the shadows that the Sisterhood had built up around her. Away from the corruption that dared to infest her life. These thoughts filled his mind as he found the communication rig. He grumbled slightly, muttering that Indigo was so much better at this than he was. Maybe it was his thoughts that distracted him. He wasn't certain.
But he never even heard Grey Kestrel.
“Tell Malcolm I got his message,” Naomi said in a quiet, calm voice. Walker turned slowly and his eyes met hers. She was alone, no police, no authorities to lead him away to prison. He expected a woman like Kestrel to bring back up. He was a bit taken aback with just the sight of her, alone. In a way, he was a bit relieved.
“Monty always had a way o' sayin' hello,” Walker said with a kind smile. “Means he likes ya.”
Naomi laughed aloud at the thought. “No offense, Malcolm's not my type. But tell him thanks. The small toy went to my son. Petey will put it to good use.”
Walker nodded slowly. Naomi had a son. Maybe that alone would make her understand. “I got a little girl, m'self. I need ta do alla this, all the deception, ta get her to a safe place. I hope ya understand.”
“I may not like your motives,” Naomi replied with a sigh. “But at least I do understand. And at least you tried to help Gerald. He'll never have the use of that arm, but at least he's alive.” Naomi crossed her arms and studied the gunhand for a moment. “The agents of the Sisterhood may have escaped, but at least we captured Dimitri and his agents.”
Walker nodded again as he leaned against the console. “His agents'll rot in some jail cell fer a long time. But 'xpect Dimitri ta get out somehow. He's got friends that like his ... talents. Man's a monster, an' sadly, there ain't no way ta keep a man like that down. Somebody's always gonna want 'im ta keep kickin' 'round.”
“And what about you?” Naomi said as she stepped forward. “You gonna keep kickin' 'round?” She perked an eyebrow with the last two words as she attempted to imitate the drawl of the Texan. Walker just laughed and took out a Pall Mall.
“Oh, I'll be here an' there,” he said, pausing to light the cigarette. “Ya can at least count on that.” He took a long drag off the cigarette and exhaled. “Now, Lieutenant. If y'all excuse me, I got someone ta send a message to. I'm gonna ask ya don't track us. But ya can guarantee that we just might meet again. The world the way it is, our paths'll cross soon 'nough.”
Naomi watched the Texan for just a moment before turning to slowly walk out of the building. “Take care of yourself, Walker,” she called back to him. “Keep shootin' straight.” Walker chuckled as he watched Naomi leave. She and her brother were interesting people. The world needed heroes like them. Maybe, in time, his daughter could grow to be like them. He pushed the thoughts from his mind as he concentrated on the task at hand. It was time to make that call to an old friend.
Wouldn't Lieutenant Christa Rayne be surprised?

- Tim Holtorf
- Outlook, Saskatchewan, Canada
- Production manager of a weekly newspaper in Outlook, Saskatchewan. The blog url of has absolutely nothing to do with MidSask REDA, though, they do very good work throughout the Lake Diefenbaker Region.
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