He was fast, maybe faster than Maxwell had ever seen before. His fighting skills were incredible. It was everything he had just to be able to parry any incoming blows. Maxwell knew he had to begin an assault of his own. But he also knew his fighting ability was based on raw power, not the finesse that this man had. Which meant he had to keep his wits about him.
Grey 6-2-6 pulled his punches. This man was not a target, nor would he become a casualty. He knew that Walker would need him, because his raw power could be the edge needed against someone like Dimitri.
The battle was slow, as each combatant studied the other carefully before making an attack. Maxwell had one advantage. His ability to fly. But Grey wasn't allowing him to grab a hold of him. That was the mistake of the other agents. Grey's movements were quick, but they had a purpose. Force his opponent into a situation. The battle would be about positioning, but it would not take very long.
Maxwell landed a few well placed blows, but could tell that Grey was anticipating them, moving his body to better take the blow. It was frustrating him, and even he could tell his own anger was coming forward in his attacks. This was exactly what Grey wanted. He wanted Maxwell's emotion to take control of him, and second guess defenses. And it worked.
Grey punched forward with an open hand strike, catching Maxwell off guard as his amplifier came loose, falling helplessly to the ground. A good offensive strike, it didn't do much damage, but it caught Maxwell napping. And Grey pushed the attack forward. A low, leg sweep, knocked Maxwell down, and Grey pushed two fingers quickly to touch nerves on the Dakota man's chest. They weren't deadly, nor painful. But Maxwell found himself helpless in any attempts to get up.
Grey stood over Maxwell, crouching to speak to him in an even tone. “I could kill you at any moment,” he stated as though the two were discussing the weather. “But that is not my purpose. I am not your enemy. The Russian. He should be the one you seek. Operative Violet Rose and his agents have no wish in harming the boy.”
Maxwell blinked a couple of times as he struggled. Taking a deep breath, he let his mind calm down, taking in Grey's words. “Why the deception? What is your purpose?”
Grey merely chuckled as he rose to his feet. He reached out and took Maxwell's hand, hauling him up to his feet with ease. Suddenly, Maxwell could feel the muscles in his body reacting again, moving as he wanted them to. Grey took a step away from the large man and only whispered. “Dimitri. He is your target. Dimitri Kovolenko. Take him down, and the boy will live.” He said not another word as he continued to step backward. Maxwell blinked as it seemed the man simply disappeared into thin air.
He shook his head and snapped back to his senses. Quickly, he retrieved the amplifier and placed it over his nose and mouth, clicking on the comm as he adjusted it carefully. “Captain? I have a lead. And a name. Dimitri Kovolenko. Mean anything?”
“Nothing that I've heard before,” Schwartz replied over the comm. “But, a Russian?”
“That's what I've got,” Maxwell said as he took a few steps and lept into the air. “I'm going to see if I can find him.” His wings spread as he rose higher into the air, allowing the anti-gravity device to carry him up. He heard the acknowledgment from Captain Schwartz over the comm, but did not respond. He had a bigger purpose now. He had a life to save.
She used her wings to slow her decent as she saw the ambulance. There were four around it, two men, two women. Naomi knew she had to move quickly, the boy's life was hanging in the balance. She only hoped that they could get him to the hospital faster on ground than she could in the air. What are you thinking, girl, Naomi mused to herself. There's no way you could fly that fast with two people in tow.
The attendants acted quickly, strapping the boy in and getting him into the back. The girl was shaken up a great deal, and one of the female attendants dealt with her needs. But Naomi sensed something wrong as she watched them work. There was something familiar about two of them.
Bet there's a thousand places you'd rather be, 'ey mate?
The sudden smile, the charm, the twinkle in the eye suddenly came back to Naomi. And her ire rose in volumes. Quickly, she grabbed the Aussie by the collar, nearly screaming as she slammed him against the door of the ambulance. “What do you think you're doing, you sonofabitch?”
She was met quickly with the business end of a revolver. Crimson Luna was quick on the draw, but she had a good teacher. Naomi found herself in a standoff. Monty smirked slightly as he spoke. “Sheila. Best let go so we can do our business.”
It wasn't Monty's voice that caused Naomi to back off. Nor the barrel of the gun pointed at her head. But the sudden cool drawl that came from behind her accompanied by the calm hand that gently rested itself ontop of Crimson's pistol. “Best let us go, Lieutenant Runnin' Cloud,” Walker said evenly. “The boy don't have a chance if we keep fightin'.”
Naomi looked over to the calming voice of the Texan. She knew that he was wanted by every police agency in the world, but something about the way he spoke. His words seemed to calm without much effort. And his eyes, there was a kindness in there. And something else. He was tired, “I ride shotgun,” she replied as she let go of Monty's collar. Walker nodded slowly to her as his three agents began seeing to the boy. Naomi could tell just from their movements they knew exactly what they were doing. It was a military precision, but still, they worked to save the boy.
Walker moved to the driver's side as Indigo closed the doors of the ambulance. Naomi followed, her wings collapsing into a compact state so she could take a seat in the ambulance. “You realize after this is over, you have to surrender,” Naomi said in an even tone to Walker as they both took their seats.
The old gunhand simply turned the key and the engine roared to life. He took a deep breath and waited for the signal from the back. As it came, he put the vehicle in gear and began to drive. “Lieutenant,” he finally said as the ambulance screamed down the street. “If I were wantin' ta give up, I'd let ya take me. But there's more in the world 'n just me an' mine that've done wrong. An' ma'am, no offense, but ya ain't in the right league ta take 'em on.”
“We'll see,” was her only reply. She looked out the passenger window as the siren screamed aloud and buildings passed by quickly. She raised her hand to her ear, adjusting her earpiece as Captain Schwartz began his hail. “Lieutenant Running Cloud, Captain. I read you. Yes, the boy is fine. On route to hospital now.” She looked over to Walker as the Texan lazily drifted a gaze toward her. He knew that she had to tell the police who was in the ambulance. He expected it.
But sometimes, he found that the unexpected still existed.
“Operative Violet Rose is nowhere to be found,” Naomi announced. “Members of the terrorist organization known as the Sisterhood were discovered on scene.”
“We've had a report from Professor Running Cloud,” Schwartz announced. “He says he's searching for a Dimitri Kovolenko.”
The comm was loud enough for Walker to hear. And he said in a low voice to Naomi. “Kovolenko is ex-KGB, completely insane, an' a cold killer.” Naomi studied the gunslinger for a moment before repeating the words to Schwartz.
“We'll inform the professor, Lieutenant. Over.”
“Over, Captain,” Naomi replied. “And out.” She looked toward Walker as the emergency ramp of the hospital came into view. “What now?”
Walker looked to her as he brought the ambulance to a stop. In the back, Six, Indigo and Crimson quickly took Gerald into the double doors. Nurses and aids rushed to assist them. And Walker just smiled. “Thank ya, Lieutenant. But ya best be goin' now.” Maybe it was the sound of his voice. Perhaps the sincerity in his words. Naomi didn't know for certain.
All she did know was this man was no threat. Not anymore.

- Tim Holtorf
- Outlook, Saskatchewan, Canada
- Production manager of a weekly newspaper in Outlook, Saskatchewan. The blog url of midsask.blogspot.com has absolutely nothing to do with MidSask REDA, though, they do very good work throughout the Lake Diefenbaker Region.
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