Christa Rayne, a.k.a. Red Surge, high ranking officer within the RCMP and on loan to Interpol, slammed her fist onto the console in front of her. "Dammit, Johnny! Damn you!"
"Orders, ma'am?"
Christa looked to her tactical officer and glared. If Violet Rose escaped now, it could be months, years before they could pick up the trail again. "Get to work. Now! I want him found. If we can bring him in, then there's a damn good chance we can bring the Illuminati to it's knees."
John Walker gently lay the woman's body onto the ground. She wasn't dead, but merely knocked out. A much more merciful thing to have happen than what the Sisterhood would have done to him. But he needed to be here, he needed to see her. Sister Jade, a woman that for some unknown reason, he felt drawn to. So much so, that together they had a child. And because of that child, he realized that what he did, was no longer an option.
Maybe it was his age, maybe it was the child, he didn't know what it was, but he couldn't do it anymore. He snaked his way through the base, bypassing security and stealthing past the Sisters that were on patrol. He had to get to her room.
And then he felt it. He cursed himself as the blade rested on his neck. Slowly, he rose to his feet, hands held up to show he had no weapon drawn. "Do yer worst," he said in a gruff voice.
"You are very fortunate that I was the one who found you," the woman said as John felt the blade leave his neck. "Anyone else would have killed you where you were." John Walker turned slowly, and took a deep breath. Sister Jade stood before him.
"You could come with me," he said to her. "Gather up Danielle's things an' come with me."
"You know I can't," she replied in a voice that bordered on pleading. "If I were to leave, you know that both the Sisters and Illuminati would search the world over for us."
John took a step closer to her, feeling the tip of the blade touch his chest. He didn't look down as he effortlessly pushed it to the side. But then, Jade wasn't about to use it on him. "Jade, I don't know what it was, but somethin' came alive in my heart. For years, I'd only known one thing. An' that was what I did for the Iluminati. An' I was damned good at it. But when I met you... my world suddenly changed." He held up a hand as Jade began to speak, stopping her. "Don't say anythin', darlin'. Don't. I thought I'd come here, convince you ta come with me. You an' Danny. But I can tell how you feel just by lookin' in yer eyes. Alright, I'll leave. But I will wait fer you, Jade. If I have ta wait ta be on my death bed fer you ta come ta me, then so be it. But if all I have is those final few moments with you, then I know it were worth it."
Jade sighed deeply. She'd trained hard with the Sisters, worked to obtain her station with the Knives, and was a well respected member. But this man had done something to her. He had filled something in her that she desperately wanted, but knew she couldn't have. "You know what the penalty is."
"I do," he said with a firm nod. "An' I ain't 'bout ta risk yer life b'cause o' me. When yer ready, come lookin' fer me. I'll leave a trail only you can follow, darlin'. When yer ready, I'll be there." He took one last look into her eyes, then took a deep breath and moved past her. It was the most difficult thing he'd ever have to do.
to be continued...
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