“Well, well,” Violent Rose drawled as he sat back in the chair. “Look what we have here.”
The woman on the view screen shook her head and sighed deeply. “What makes you think I was on the look out for you, Rose,” she replied in an even toned voice. “Or maybe I should start calling you by your real name, John. Seems only fair, as you managed to deduce mine about two months back.”
Rose, or John as was his name, laughed aloud. “Now, I guess I shoulda figgered you’d pick up on that soon ‘nough. You bein’ the only one smart ‘nough ta figger it out. Shoulda known it’d come ta that, Miss Rayne.” He paused and studied the view screen for a moment. “Or maybe, seein’ how we’ve upgraded ourselves ta a first name basis, would it be too forward o’ me ta call ya Christa.”
“I don’t see any reason why not, John Walker,” she replied, finally letting a smile show on her face, softening her voice somewhat. “I have to admit, the chase has been entertaining, but I’m just one step behind you now, John. It won’t be long.”
John Walker’s tone became very serious, the smile seemed to fade just slightly. “I hate ta disappoint ya, Christa. I really do. But maybe I seen the light. What we had b’tween us, this game o’ cat an’ mouse, been fun an’ all, but I realized somethin’. It ain’t gonna last ferever, an’ somebody’s gonna get killed b’cause o’ it. Now maybe I started ta grow a soft spot fer ya, ain’t too sure, but I do know this. A man b’comes dangerous when he starts spoutin’ that he’s got God on his side. A man also b’comes dangerous when he’s weilding a gun. He b’come down right fanatical when he’s got both.” John sighed and pulled down the mask as he reached for a pack of cigarettes. “That’s sorta what’s happenin’ with this branch o’ the organization, an’ while I may be a God fearin’ man, I ain’t ‘bout ta start sayin’ it were God tol’ me ta do the things I set out ta do.”
“What are you up to’, John? What are you scheming” Christa’s tone had become very even, and even more serious than usual. She knew John Walker well enough that he was capable of calling on an air strike from any military in the world. His connections and his ability to subvert had become that great. “Because if it means the taking of lives...”
“No Miss Rayne. No worries there.” He lit the cigarette and reached for a bottle of JD. “I’m out. I’ve had ‘nough.”
“Come to me, Walker. We can cut you a deal, get you relocated....” Her voice held some desperation to it, as she knew if she could not get John Walker to agree, then she’d spend the next few years, and limitless Interpol resources trying to find him.
“Hell, no,” he said cutting her off quickly. “I done too much ta too many. I know when I die, I’m gonna burn in hell. But let it come ta that when I die. In this life, I gotta make amends in my own way. The only way I can.” He took a pull off the cigarette and exhaled deeply. “Wish I could tell ya more, Christa, really wish I could. Be nice ta have a fine filly like you with me, but I can’t risk it. I’m sorry.” He tapped a few more keys on the keyboard and suddenly the connection was gone.
John Walker, formerly Operative Violet Rose, rose from the chair and gathered up what few belongings he intended to take. A pair of Colt .45s, a Derringer, and an assault rifle. The rest, would go up in flames. He removed his jacket and tossed it onto the chair, then looked back to the computer console. “I need ta see someone I care ‘bout, Christa. An’ then I need ta disappear, so I can take care o’ her.”
to be continued...
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