They steered the horses along the path carefully. So far they had only received a few sideways glances, and nothing more. Walker knew, however, that each of those looks could have meant death. There were enough on these islands who wanted him and his crew dead. But a word of honour from Don Maximus kept everyone's hand still. No one would draw the blood of these three without feeling the Don's wrath. Walker still didn't know why he made that oath, considering the the Mafia's claim on these islands, and Walker's wish to change that claim. The old gunhand pushed those thoughts aside as Monty motioned toward the crest of a small hill. There was the contact, dressed in the most exotic and finest of robes.
"Buggerin' dandy," Monty muttered.
"Keep the observations 'till after we discuss details o' the contract, wouldja Monty," Walker said in a slow and even tone, even if he was thinking just the same thing. The three urged the horses forward as Walker discussed how they would approach things. "We stay in the saddle an' talk. No movin'. It'll put us at a bit o' an advantage. So far, we been lucky in this region. Ain't seen any agents o' the Illuminati 'r the Sisterhood. It might not stay that way." Walker became silent as they came within fifty feet of the mark. They stopped the horses and waited. The mark wore red and gold coloured robes, his face hidden under a hooded cloak. Two men stood on either side of the man, much larger and seemed to be his body guards. Marianne tensed just a bit as she studied to two flanking the mark and turned to look at Walker. He knew something was up by the look in her eyes and let out a long breath as he reached into his coat pocket for his cigarette holder. "Mornin'," he called out as he took out a cigarette. "Nice 'nough mornin', ain't it."
The mark seemed to look up and moved a little closer, closing the gap between himself and the three riders. His bodyguards followed suit. "It is, indeed," he replied in a calm voice, touched with the sound of nobility. "I assume that you and your friends are ones I have heard so much about. The ... sherrif and his deputies?"
"Ya could call us that," Walker replied as he studied the man. "Word is you've got some piece o' property that needs recoverin'."
"Indeed I do," Amen'Dell replied with a smile in his voice. "It is a rather old artifact. It holds a great deal of ... what is the word ... ah yes, it holds a sort of affection in my family. You could say that it is an heirloom. Something that has been in my family for many a generation."
Walker's horse shifted under his weight as he studied the man some more. The tone of his voice indicated something less than honest about his statement, but Walker made no mention of his feelings aloud. He would do that later, out of earshot. "So what exactly is it ya want recovered?"
"Direct and to the point," Amen said with a grin. "I like that in a man. The object is one of rare value. It has been in my... family, for several generations now. It holds special value to me. And since my arrival here, it has fallen into some rather unscrupulous hands. I believe, as my associates have informed me, that these men are gunslingers. Much like yourselves, as a matter of fact."
Walker looked to Monty, and then Marianne. Gunslingers. That possibly meant Illuminati. This man's property was in the hands of his old organization, one he did not look forward to seeing again for a long, long time. "That's a might dangerous, goin' up 'gainst gunslingers. B'cause I b'lieve I know who ya speak of." Walker's horse shifted again under his weight.
"Does this pose a problem?" Amen replied in a slightly sadistic tone. "I believe I was very generous in the amount of money I was offering."
"It ain't the money," Walker remarked. "That's fine 'nough. But they are dangerous men."
"I could take my services elsewhere..."
"I b'lieve we've got it covered," Walker replied, seemingly cutting the man off mid sentence. "The three o' us 're 'bout the only ones equipped ta deal with the likes o' them anyway."
Amen smiled again and snapped his fingers. "Excellent." One of his body guards tossed over a satchel that Marianne caught with ease. As she confirmed the amount, Amen explained the details. "I expect my package to be delivered in 24 hours. At that point, I will pay the remaining amount. Should you take longer than 24 hours, you will sacrifice the final amount. And should you fail completely... Well... Let us not hope that happens." Amen turned and walked down the path away from the small meeting place, leaving the three riders to contemplate his last words.
"Can I put a slug through his brain pan?" Monty muttered lightly.
"Ain't doin' nuthin' o' the sort," Walker replied as he steered his horse. "But I sense you have the same feelin's 'bout this bastard that I do. Best ta keep on our toes." The three steered their horses back the way they came, concentrating on the task at hand. None of them, Walker and his crew nor Amen, could detect the figure that hunkered down in the grass only fifty feet away. Pania Alow popped up and watched the riders as they left. They might be her best chance. They would be able to get into the compound and secure the object. And then it was a matter of destroying it. But those three...
"Curiouser an' curiouser," Pania muttered. "May'aps a new ally. 'R per'aps a new enemy. Guess we'll wait an' see."

- Tim Holtorf
- Outlook, Saskatchewan, Canada
- Production manager of a weekly newspaper in Outlook, Saskatchewan. The blog url of has absolutely nothing to do with MidSask REDA, though, they do very good work throughout the Lake Diefenbaker Region.
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