Fred Phelps is a former lawyer and a pastor with the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas. He believes that homosexuality and it's acceptance has doomed the world to damnation. In his early years, he was a successful lawyer, winning awards for his service in defending black clients. But he was disbarred in 1977, after an incident with a court clerk.
Phelps had requested a transcript, which the clerk had not prepared for him in time as was promised. While this action did not affect the outcome of his case, he demanded $22,000 in damages because of the action. In the ensuing trial, he called her the clerk to the stand and declared her a hostile witness. He then cross examined her for a week, making accusations that she was a slut and was a participant in deviant sexual behaviour. The cross examination brought the clerk to tears. For more information on this, it is available from Phelps Wikipedia entry found here. I advise the reader, however, to research as much as possible. Here is the reason why.
Phelps and his family are very, very knowledgeable. In the law and in the readings of the Bible. From what I have read on the family, they know the book forward and backward. But here's where things get a little odd. As a group that fundamentally knows the ins and outs of the Bible, they have taken to vocally hating those in the gay community. It's almost like a contradiction, really. On one hand, yes, God did say that man shall not lie with man as he would with woman, for it is an abhorant act. Okay, I get that. But what happened to the part about, love thy neighbour. Or was I just dreaming that. I also don't recall anything in the Bible that says it's alright to picket funerals. Again, I could be wrong. I haven't read the Bible from back to front making cliff notes.
Okay, so Phelps hates gays. I can live with that. I can deal with that. I'm not gay, but I'm also not going to go out of my way to voice or protest gay marriages or funerals. Personally, I think the latter action is disrespectful to the family of someone who died of the AIDs virus.

And the funeral of Heath Ledger. Yes, Ledger played a gay cowboy in Brokeback Mountain. In one movie. I guess that constitutes a protest. But according to the fliers page at the Westboro Baptist Church website, Ledger's and many more are scheduled to be conducted.
Including several members of the United States military. It was Phelps group that actually prompted the US Government to pass the Fallen Heroes Act. The Act states that no protests may be conducted within a certain distance from the gravesite. A quick search through Google should bring about the proper information.

Thankfully, Fred Phelps doesn't live in Canada.
Until next time...
...keep 'em flyin'.
1 comment:
You know, feel lucky you didn't grow up in Salt Lake City as I did, then. Great observations.
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