Lots of people will sometimes take it for granted, but in a work place where we don't have or can't afford to hire a janitor or bring in some form of janitorial service, then often times the duty of cleaning up your work area falls on your own shoulders. Such is the case today. And for some reason, it prompted cries of excitement and complete disbelief. In truth, my desk did need a good cleaning. The photo to the left displays a before of my work area. Please note the Ottawa Senators mug. After a tragic accident, the mug has gone off to coffee heaven. My best friend Pearce gave me that mug. It will be missed.
Anyway, it's been several weeks since the mug incident. I have thrown things away off my desk, and accumulated even more. But now it was time to do something drastic. Because the dust coyotes had decided to move in. What's a dust coyote? Much like bunnies, except less cute and much more vicious. Dust coyotes move into an area with the intent to stay, and they will stake their claim viciously, often to the death. No humans have been even reported to have been killed by dust coyotes, but some small kittens and puppies have been noted to have disappeared rather mysteriously.
I'm happy to say that yes, my desk is clean, reorganized and happy. And clean desk, makes a happy production manager. Now I just have to suffer through my desk at home.
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