John Walker cocked his head as he heard the noise come from the back room. He got up from his desk and wandered through the storage areas, past the make shift medical bay and to a large door that lead to a room not yet cleared. He'd heard the sounds, hammers banging and saws cutting, but had at first thought nothing of it. They still had repair work to do, and this wasn't exactly something unexpected. But to go on for eight or nine hours was something else.
He grabbed the handle of the large sliding door and attempted to push it open. Locked. Or at least it was held firm by something. Drawing his pistol, he stepped back from the door and took a deep breath before calling out. "Annie? Monty? What the devil's goin' on?"
There was a sudden sound of scrambling, followed by... was that hooves. "What the hells goin' on in there?" he shouted again.
"Sorry boss," Monty's muffled voice called back. "Just fixing up a few things, mate. Be right there." Walker could hear a hushed conversation between Monty and Marianne, but couldn't catch the details. The sound of metal being pushed back indicated that the lock, or whatever else it was, being opened. Slowly, the large sliding door was pushed back.
"What in blue blazes..." Walker began before his eyes finally registered what was in the room. Like entering into a holy place, he removed his hat and studied the three new faces that turned to greet him. The chuffling sound each gave as they looked to see who this new person was that entered their new home. The back room had suddenly been transformed into a rustic stable.
Monty stepped up beside Walker as the elder was standing solemnly in the entrance. "Um... yer not gonna start ta cry, are ya, mate?"
Walker looked to Monty for a moment and just chuckled. He approached the brown quarter horse cautiously. The animal craned it's neck to inspect Walker carefully before reaching down to nuzzle Walker's hand, sniffing to see if there might be some food held there. Walker ran his hand down the length of the animal's neck, marveling all the while. Still standing beside the creature, Walker looked to the pair. "You two set all this up?"
"Don't look at me," Monty replied. "Blame her fer alla this, mate."
Marianne smirked at Monty before looking to Walker. She explained what happened, starting with the disease containers, staying cramped in a cubby hole for three or four hours, and seeing the treatment of the animals upon returning to port. Walker nodded as the blade mistress retold the story. "This probably won't sit right with the Family," Walker mused. He looked back to the brown quarter horse and sighed. "Screw 'em. Who cares if they can't take a joke," he said with a smirk. Marianne and Monty looked between each other before offering a kind smile toward the old gunslinger.
But each of them realized one thing. They were in a hostile land. More than likely hated already by most of the organizations on this island. Probably being gunned for at every turn.
But at least this was now home.

- Tim Holtorf
- Outlook, Saskatchewan, Canada
- Production manager of a weekly newspaper in Outlook, Saskatchewan. The blog url of has absolutely nothing to do with MidSask REDA, though, they do very good work throughout the Lake Diefenbaker Region.
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1 comment:
*Glomp* I love this story but you knew that already *Giggles*
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