We return to the ghostly stories of Halloween, just in time for the holiday. Well, alright, it isn't a holiday like Christmas or Thanksgiving, but at one time it was considered such. Ancient Celts believed in the one day when the season of life would meet the season of death. They celebrated in a manner to keep the evil spirits away during the cold, winter months. The coming of Christianity changed things slightly, as the Pope declared November 1st All Saints Day, for Saints known and unknown. But pagan rituals continued, and October 31st became known as All Hallowed Eve, or, as it has become now, Hallowe'en.
The History Channel has some excellent historical pieces to be read at their web site and even broadband videos of fact and fiction, letting us look at historical hauntings, the history of Dracula, rats, bats and bugs and even the invention of candy.
Check all of this and more at
History Channel's Hallowe'en site.
Until next time...
Keep 'em flyin'.
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