
My photo
Outlook, Saskatchewan, Canada
Production manager of a weekly newspaper in Outlook, Saskatchewan. The blog url of midsask.blogspot.com has absolutely nothing to do with MidSask REDA, though, they do very good work throughout the Lake Diefenbaker Region.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Editing images... online

Wow! A friend of mine showed me a very cool online utility for editing and manipulating photos. And one of the great things, it's free to join. Editing, sharing and posting photos has become a very important part of the Internet culture. Relatives that live thousands of miles apart can keep in touch easily through blogs, places like MySpace or FaceBook and even share photos through sites like PhotoBucket.

Well, this new online utility means that anyone who doesn't have a powerful photo manipulation program like Photoshop, or doesn't have the patience to learn it (it can be rather imposing to the neophyte user), this online utility is great. Picnik is a place to save, edit, sharpen, correct or even just have fun with photos and images, as can be seen with what I've created.

Give it a try. I'm sure you'll be impressed.

Until next time...

Keep 'em flyin'.

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