
My photo
Outlook, Saskatchewan, Canada
Production manager of a weekly newspaper in Outlook, Saskatchewan. The blog url of midsask.blogspot.com has absolutely nothing to do with MidSask REDA, though, they do very good work throughout the Lake Diefenbaker Region.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Computer Wars

Got into a rather large discussion with some people about the virtues of operating systems and computer platforms. There are the two big ones, of course. PC based Windows(insert flavour here) and Mac computers. There are some facts which can be dished out for the use of both, and there can be some facts dished out about the users of both.

Radical Mac/Windows lovers hate the opposing OS. For example, a Windows loyalist will swear up and down that Windows is far superior to Mac. The situation is the same the other way as well. I used to be in the camp of Mac-never-going-to-use. And then I got my current job, as a graphic designer and production manager with The Outlook. Now, I can see the ease and functionality of a Mac.

Granted, this is after going to the current iMac's that we use. I do not ever recommend using legacy software on Mac X OS. You need the Classic install and running two operating systems at the same time, even if one is in the background, just spells disaster.

At home, I still use Windows. I have a desktop and a laptop that both run Windows XP Pro. Just out of curiosity, I checked to see if I could install an upgrade to Windows Vista, the shiny new operating system released by Microsoft.

The results came back, after using Microsoft's system scanner and it reported that I could run a low end version of the OS. Meaning, I could run Vista, and pretty much nothing else. No applications, no programs, nothing. I couldn't even watch a DVD from my DVD Rom drive. That's on my desktop, I didn't scan my laptop.

There is another thing that shys me away from getting on the Vista bandwagon. It took me a while to give into XP as well, so this isn't new. I don't think I could afford the price tag that Vista comes with. I'm not sure how much it costs, but if it's like any past Windows versions, it won't come cheap.

However, having said that, you can be pretty sure that getting a Mac won't be cheap either. an iMac averages around $2800 Canadian with all the bells and whistles.

One thing I did notice with Windows Vista. It looks like Microsoft is trying to build a Windows OS that is a clone of the Mac X OS.

No matter what happens, I shall still use Mac at work, and I shall still use Windows at home.

Until the first Mac Windows OS is created...

Keep 'em flyin'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Or you could use Linux and understand the trials and tribulations of both Windows and Mac.

I was here,