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Outlook, Saskatchewan, Canada
Production manager of a weekly newspaper in Outlook, Saskatchewan. The blog url of midsask.blogspot.com has absolutely nothing to do with MidSask REDA, though, they do very good work throughout the Lake Diefenbaker Region.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Fall Equinox

Yes, it's here.

Officially now.

According to research, today is the day the Fall Equinox arrives. According to ReligiousTolerance.org, the autumn solstice changes from year to year until the leap year comes around, at which time it reverts back to the earliest day, that being September 21st. During the four years from leap year to leap year, each date will move ahead a little bit, until the year before a leap year, such as this year, will come on September 23rd. Here is a quick explanation from ReligiousTolerance.org. If you wish to see more, click here.

Until next time...

Keep 'em flyin'.

The date and time of the fall equinox:

The exact date and time of the fall equinox, when the sun moves into the astrological sign of Libra, varies from year to year. Each year, the date/time moves progressively later in September until the year before leap-year is reached. On leap-year, it returns to an earlier date/time. This four-year cycle is then repeated.

Year Fall Equinox, in the Northern Hemisphere (UT)
1999 SEP-23 @ 11:32
2000 SEP-22 @ 17:27
2001 SEP-22 @ 23:04
2002 SEP-23 @ 04:55
2003 SEP-23 @ 10:46
2004 SEP-22 @ 16:29
2005 SEP-22 @ 22:22
2006 SEP-23 @ 04:03
2007 SEP-23 @ 09:51
2008 SEP-22 @ 15:44
2009 SEP-22 @ 21:18
2010 SEP-23 @ 03:09

The dates and times were derived from the astronomical calculations on The Dome of the Sky web site for years 1999 to 2006. However, the web site does not seem to be functioning as of 2005-APR-05. The remaining equinoxes were taken from archaeoastronomy.com. An online "Easy Date Converter" calculates the dates and times of the equinoxes and solstices within 20 seconds. Times are in UT (Universal Time). This used to be called Greenwich Mean Time or GMT.

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